Do Your Friends Think You Are Boring?

Do you think that you are fun? If the answer to that question is yes, than you should take this test to find out if what you think is really true!!!!!

But, the real question is: Do YOUR FRIENDS think that you are fun.... comon' now... be honest. do they?? huh? huh? SO HOW DO YOU FEEL NOW THINKING ABOUT THAT.

Created by: a person
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is one of your friends calls, but you already plans to go to your grandma's house, what do you say?
  2. Your friends are going to see a movie and they invite you along, But you don't like the kind that they are seeing. What do you do?
  3. Click the answer that you think of when you hear the word : Movies
  5. Bikes are to Riding, as Twislers ( the candy) are for ______...
  6. What would you do if you see a cat walking by?
  7. ***THE REST Of THE QUESTIONS HAVE NO VALUE*** Will you comment?
  8. BYE.
  9. How old am i??
  10. what song is dis from? " i feel lucky like a 4 leaf clover..."

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Quiz topic: Do my Friends Think You Are Boring?