Do you want to have good grades.

This quiz is all about getting good grades and how to stay focus in class, learn time to have a study plan for yourself and time to pay attention in class.

And I think this quiz was helpful because you will have a lot to learn about it and try to change for better in your Academics and also try focusing on your time.

Created by: Deborah Ayoko
  1. Quizzesmusthavebetween10and60questions.Gotit!Do you have a study plan for yourself
  2. For how many hours do you study a day.
  3. Do you study when you have test or exams.
  4. What grade do you want to have at least in all your subjects.
  5. How can you earn good grades.
  6. What time do you go to bed.
  7. Do you attend every class.
  8. Do you pay attention in class
  9. Do you pray to God for good grades
  10. Was this helpful enoygh

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Quiz topic: Do I want to have good grades.
