Do You Think Your In Love With Someone?

Do you know if your really in love with him/her?if no then you should take this teat, because it will tell you if he/she is in love with you.if you know your in love with him/her then you can take this test just in case, but you dont have to take this teast if you dont want to.

after you take this test it will tell you if you guys are in love or the right type for each will tell you some other things too, like if you guys would be good to have kids together, if you guys are the right type to get married to each other.

Created by: samantha of
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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you love him/her?
  2. Did you guys ever have a real date?
  3. would you ever have a kid or kids with him/her?
  4. Did you ever kiss him/her?
  5. Did you ever huge him/her?
  6. How did you meet him/her?
  7. Did you meet his/her parnets?
  8. did he/she meet your parents?
  9. Did he/her ever tell you that he/she love you?
  10. Did you tell him/her that you love him/her?

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Quiz topic: Do I Think my In Love With Someone?