do you think i'm fat

i've gained a few pounds recently and i don't think it's the normal amount of weight. tell me if i'm skinny, average, chubby, or fat! it would be helpful :)

gotta hit the character limit uhh hi thanks for taking this quiz. i hope you're having a good day and yea blah blah blah have i hit it yet nope ok uuh ok bye

Created by: loxx
  1. i am 14 5'5 and 141 pounds. My BMI says overweight but only by like a pound or two. i am..
  2. i used to eat around 2000-2500 cals a day but lately i've eaten 3000-4500 cals a day. i eat until i am uncomfortably full but i still get hungry quickly. i am...
  3. when i sit down with a straight back i have 3 medium-big belly rolls and my stomach goes over my belt 3-4 inches. i am...
  4. when i sit and lean over i have the same amount of belly rolls and my stomach goes over my belt 4-5 inches. i am...
  5. when i stand i have two belly rolls on my upper and lower belly, and i have 3 creases on my stomach. i am...
  6. when i look down i can only see my toes. i am...
  7. my waist is around 33 inches but it grows a few inches after i eat. i am...
  8. when i try to wear my size 9 (us) high rise jeans that fit me fine a few month ago, i now have to suck in a lot to button them. when i'm standing they're pretty tight on my stomach and a little tight on my legs. when i sit they're pretty tight on my legs and REALLY tight on my stomach. it can barely fit and it spills a lot. i am...
  9. i have some fat under my chin and it forms a small double chin when i lay down. i am...
  10. i have dance class once a week for around 45 minutes, but i haven't gone the past couple of weeks. i don't exercise outside of that. i am...
  11. whenever i'm not at school, i just sit on my phone or watch tv all day and eat. i am...
  12. my stomach jiggles a bit when i walk. i am...
  13. i eat fast food around 2-3 times a week. i am...
  14. i can grab 2 handfuls of my stomach fat when standing, and 4 handfuls when sitting. i am...
  15. i can run like an 1/8 of a mile before getting tired. i am...
  16. i've already eaten 4300 cals today and i just had a big dinner but i feel hungry again for some reason 😭😭 i am...
  17. last question, do you think i should lose weight?

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Quiz topic: Do I think i'm fat

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