Do you roblox quiz

This quiz is where you test your roblox knowledge and answer questions about roblox games! This took alot of work to finish so please leave a good rating!

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Created by: Landon
  1. Who is the creator of Roblox High School?
  2. What game got shut down?
  3. Whos the richest player?
  4. Is john doe actually a hacker?
  5. In project pokemon there are special modes witch one of these is a real one?
  6. MIDWAY QUESTIONIn meepcity they had a popularty strike when they released what update?
  7. Finish the game name. Roblox got _______
  8. Is it true Minecraft stole from Roblox?
  9. Is project pokemon shut down?
  10. Theres a legend about a hacker namedGuest ___?
  11. Is tix still a currency in the game?
  12. Did roblox give a bloxy award to a song called create by tryhardninja during the 5th Annual Bloxy Awards?

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Quiz topic: Do I roblox quiz
