do you really love nyan cat ?

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if you want to play this quiz , just click on the answers that you chose . this quiz is made by carol xing and after you finish the quiz i will create more.

i will tell you do you really love nyan cat or not . after that , click on a button that says " submit answers " and your score will be on your screen . make sure to share the link with your friends !!!

Created by: carol xing qianqian
  1. what color do you like nyan ?
  2. what party will you go to ?
  3. what will you usally say ?
  4. nyan nyan !!!
  5. chose something
  6. home ???
  7. ... chose a color ...
  8. pink !!!
  9. how many color is in my rainbow ??? nyan nyan ???
  10. rainbow ???

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Quiz topic: Do I really love nyan cat ?
