Do you really love horses?

This quiz tells if you really actually love horses!! This quiz has simple answers that have BIG test results!! Remember to have fun!! And try your best!!

Do you think you are a person who LOVES HORSES?!?! Well here's the place to find out and test your brain power!! Just remember to try your best and have fun!!!!

Created by: Lindsey
  1. If you had a horse (or if you do) and it got REALLY sick, would you sleep with s/he?
  2. How bad do you want a horse? Or if you have one how much do you love him her?
  3. If a horse you rode injured you... almost KILLING YOU! Would you still love/ride him?!?!
  4. If your parents got you a horse, what would you do?
  5. Your friends are going to the stables, they ask if you love horses, what do you say? (It's a cool group of friends that are cool and you want to fit in)
  6. Do you think a lot about horses?
  7. So far, how do you like this quiz?!?!
  8. How much do you ride? If you don't have a horse, how much WOULD you ride?
  9. What are you doing right now?
  10. When did you start loving horses?!?!

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Quiz topic: Do I really love horses?