Do you really like cake?

This quiz is about how much you love cake. Do you or not? One of the questions is how you like my quiz. Please answer that and don't try to be funny!!

"Do YOU love cake? Do you love sugar as much as I do? You can only wonder. But thanks to me and a great quiz, you'll find out soon!" Love pizza lover

Created by: Bri
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which topping do you like best?
  2. What kind of cake do you like?
  3. What type do you like?
  4. We are almost done. Did you like my quiz?
  5. Do you like cold stone?
  6. What other food do you like?
  7. Do you like
  8. Are you eating cake right now?
  9. What kind of cake?
  10. Can you please ask your friends if they can take it

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Quiz topic: Do I really like cake?