Do you really know West Rogers Park?

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If you grew up in West Rogers Park during the 60's, 70's and part of the 80's then these questions should bring back wonderful memories...or at least make you hungry for a Wolfy Dog with the works including Celery Salt.

Were you observant while riding the 84 bus to the Bryn Mawr L Station? Are your powers of recall still strong after all of these years? The go ahead...there are only 10 bad could you do?

Created by: Gary Gluck
  1. Rogers Park was named after whom?
  2. What is origin of the street name Albion?
  3. During the 60's, 70's and maybe even later what happened every Tuesday at 10:30AM
  4. Before "Katz Meow" and before "Bon Ton" what delicatessen occupied the southwest corner of Devon and California?
  5. What did Stephen Tyng Mather and Ronald Reagan have in common?
  6. The "Z" in Z Frank stood for:
  7. How many lanes did Bud Shaibly bowl have?
  8. What was the interior design of the Nortown Theatre supposed to depict?
  9. How many "Z's" came from the sleeping child at the Riverside Motel at Peterson and Lincoln?
  10. Across the street from the Riverside Motel was the strip center called "The Center". What caption appeared under this?

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Quiz topic: Do I really know West Rogers Park?