Do you really know TheGamingHusky on vine?

I hope you will like taking this quiz and I'm pretty sure nobody reads this part well I don't but their's ten questions and I wish you good luck peice.

If you are still reading this I don't know what to say but again good luck I hope you enjoy this quiz I had a fun time making it and I hope you enjoy taking it.

Created by: Husky
  1. What day did TheGamingHusky start uploading?
  2. What was the game that TheGamingHusky was playing on the first upload!
  3. When does TheGamingHusky upload?
  4. How many followers does TheGamingHusky have?
  5. How many loops does TheGamingHusky have?
  6. Does TheGamingHusky edit?
  7. This one will depend on the time but has TheGamingHusky ever done a face reveal? The answer is maybe.
  8. How do you spell his name?
  9. Has TheGamingHusky ever done a video on minecraft?
  10. Does TheGamingHusky upload videos on YouTube?

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Quiz topic: Do I really know TheGamingHusky on vine?