Do you REALLY know The Gallant?
This quiz was made because of boredeom and will hopeful cure boredom. It'll possibly teach you a few things you didn't already know. This paragraph is supposed to be a lot longer so I'm just going to copy and paste since I don't have anything intelligent, witty or thought-provoking to say. This quiz was made because of boredeom and will hopeful cure boredom. It'll possibly teach you a few things you didn't already know. This paragraph is supposed to be a lot longer so I'm just going to copy and paste since I don't have anything intelligent, witty or thought-provoking to say.
You're here now so you may aswell have a little go. Again this paragraph is meant to be a lot longer characters so I'll use the ol' cut and paste method to get me going.You're here now so you may aswell have a little go. Again this paragraph is meant to be longer so I'll use the ol' cut and paste method to get me going. You're here now so you may aswell have a little go. Again this paragraph is meant to be longer so I'll use the ol' cut and paste method to get me going.