Do you really know the 100

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This is a 100 quiz if are a pro i recommend don't read read the rest cause its really boring but good luck if you didn't listen to my warning welcome to boredom JUST KIDDING PLAY ALREADY

If you are just playing for fun good luck cause you WILL need it OKAY PEACE START THIS QUIZ AND MAYBE YOU WILL DO GOOD JUST REALLY TRY IT ITS KINDA EASY

Created by: Jani'ya of The 100 quiz
(your link here more info)
  1. who was hidden in a basement for almost 16 years old
  2. what did belleamy and finn call clarke
  3. how did wells die
  4. why did the ark send the 100 down to earth
  5. why does clarke sepaertate herself form finn
  6. DONT READ THIS ALL THE WAY ONCE YOU SEE A PERIOD STOP READING..... If you picked 1 your loyal If you picked 2 your a total traitor
  7. you sould know the answer to this i dont even half to ask it THIS IS ONLY FOR BEGINERS DONT READ IF YOU Know whiCH ONE TO CHOOSE!!!!! which team is better
  8. how did the ark get to ground
  9. who did octavia love the most
  10. Which leaders do you prefer

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Quiz topic: Do I really know the 100
