Do you really know One Direction?

This quiz is for the people who think they really know One Direction.If you Love them taken the quiz.Challenge your love for One Direction see how much you know

Are you a One Direction freak. I know I ambthatnis why I made this quiz to see if you know as much as I do.Plus these questions are so easy I can answer the with my eyes closed.can you?

Created by: Jay Horan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which member has four nipples
  2. Which one of them has only one kidney
  3. Who is afraid (or doesn't like) spoons
  4. How many of them are from London
  5. Who's favorite restaurant is Nando's
  6. What two awards did One direction win at the Brit Awards
  7. What is Niall's nickname
  8. What is Liam's nickname
  9. What is Harry's nickname
  10. What is Zayn's nickname
  11. What is Louis' nickname
  12. Where did One Direction meet and was formed
  13. Who is the oldest
  14. Who is the youngest
  15. Who is in the middle
  16. What is the band's twitter name

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Quiz topic: Do I really know One Direction?