Do You Really Know ME?

There's alot of people who claim to be your friend, but how well do you really know someone? How well do you really know ME? I mean I can call anyone my friend as long as they're cool and all but out of all these people, who are the the real ones and who are the affiliates.

Now, whoever's reading this. Are you sure you really know me or are you one of those people who claim to be my friend but have no idea what type of person I really am? Take the quiz and find out.

Created by: aj

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's my full name?
  2. When is my birthday?
  3. Where was I born?
  4. What am I?
  5. What would I most likely do?
  6. What sport do I like?
  7. Am I...?
  8. What car do I drive?
  9. How many siblings do I have?
  10. What do I like best?
  11. Whats my favorite ice cream flavor?
  12. What do I usually drink?
  13. What's my favorite place to eat at?
  14. What type of food do I love?
  15. What's my favorite color?
  16. Which one is my greatest fears?
  17. What do I want to be when I grow up?
  18. How do I get my money?
  19. What's my favorite movie
  20. What's my favorite gum?

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Quiz topic: Do I Really Know ME?