Do You Really Know Lil Wayne

The topic of this quiz is to find out about how much people know things about my favorite rapper. I made it because I know I'm not the only person who knows a lot about Lil Wayne. So I want to see how many other people know a lot about him too.

Do you think you have what it takes to ace this quiz? Do you know as much about Lil Wayne as you think you do? Well you're about about to find out. Take my quiz and see just how much you know.

Created by: LexiiLovesWeezy

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is Lil Wayne's whole name?
  2. When is Lil Wayne's birthday?
  3. What is Lil Wayne known as?
  4. What album did Lil Wayne release while in jail during 2010?
  5. Where was Lil Wayne Born?
  6. What is Lil Wayne's astrology sign?
  7. Lil Wayne is the CEO of what record company?
  8. What age did Lil Wayne sign with Cash Money records at?
  9. When did Lil Wayne have a daughter with Toya?
  10. What is the name of the song that Lil Wayne is featured with Kelly Rowland called?
  11. Finish these Lil Wayne lyrics. "A million here a million there Sicilian b---- with..
  12. Finish these Lil Wayne lyrics... "Young Money militia and I am the commissioner, you don't wanna start Weezy cause the F is for

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Quiz topic: Do I Really Know Lil Wayne