Do you really know Drake?

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Many of you call yourself a Drizzy Drake fan, but what is the real definition.Do you know all the answers to this extremely hard Drake quiz well you'll find out.

You think you know all the answers?I'll loveee to see you try and get them all correct.I dare youooo!So cmon take the quiz and please leave your comments :)

Created by: Denisse
  1. What is Drake's full name
  2. What was his first album?
  3. Who is his best girl firend
  4. What is his favorite Lil Wayne song
  5. His favorite drink?
  6. His favorite food?
  7. Where is Drake from?
  8. Drake's favorite singer?
  9. His instagram name?
  10. Opinion on quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I really know Drake?