Do you really know Denis ?

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This is do you really know Denis quiz :D i hope you will enjoy my quiz and good luck and the results will be after you submit your ansers and again good luck :D

You will get 10 questions and you have to answer them and the most score you get the most you know denis but anyways hope you enjoy and good luck answering the questions :D

Created by: BatoulDaily Yt
  1. What is ur fav color ?
  2. Do u play Roblox?
  3. What plushi is denis selling at
  4. Does Denis like cats ?
  5. What was denis s first video
  6. What is denis s hair color
  7. Did you enjoy this quiz ?
  8. Did denis change his profile pic
  9. Does denis have a cat ?
  10. Does denis have a roommate?

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Quiz topic: Do I really know Denis ?
