Do you need to be paddled?

I really like this quiz idk I hope y'all do too... Comment what you get and actually take the punishment if you get one or you're a wimp. You deserve what you get.

It's not your fault if you're a wimp but if you try to chicken out just know that it means you deserve at least 30 spanks with the paddle so don't try it.

Created by: Nunya Business
  1. What did you do?
  2. Who is making you take this?
  3. Do they have a paddle on hand? Have they ever paddled before?
  4. What do you think you deserve?
  5. If you get a spanking, what position is it in?
  6. What will you wear?
  7. Are you normally good?
  8. What is the next step in your punishment?
  9. Have you been spanked before?
  10. When was the last time you were spanked?
  11. What happens after you get the results?
  12. You are getting whatever the results say...
  13. Are you scared?
  14. Ok, it's time for the results...

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Quiz topic: Do I need to be paddled?

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