Do you need mental help?

There are many crazy people in our sad little world. Find out if you are one of them. If you hate crazy people then you could hate your self. Enjoy!!!

Do you have a problem, I do!!! Join me in taking over the world. Find out if you are crazy. If you know me then you will probably want to reconsider our friendship. Just kidding!!!

Created by: billybob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think you need mental help?
  2. Why ru taking this quiz?
  3. Do you enjoy licking socks?
  4. How many friends do u have?
  5. Do u like me?
  6. Do you think that i need mental help?
  7. Do you know who im?
  8. Did u like this quiz?
  9. Do u enjoy school?
  10. Do u want me to stop asking stupid questions?

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Quiz topic: Do I need mental help?