Do you need braces?

Some people have better teeth than others. Braces are a way to fix bad teeth. Most people don't have perfect teeth, but that doesn't mean you need braces.

Do you need braces? You might need them, but you also might not. can take this short quiz so you can find out if you need braces, or if your teeth are fine.

Created by: DJ
  1. Do you have gaps?
  2. Do your teeth overlap?
  3. What is your bite like?
  4. Are your teeth crooked?
  5. What color are your teeth?
  6. Has anyone ever said you need braces?
  7. Have you ever had braces?
  8. How are your parents teeth?
  9. Do you think you need braces?
  10. Are you ready for your results?

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Quiz topic: Do I need braces?