Do you need a spanking babyboy ?

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Hi there ! The caretaker, mummy, or daddy can answer this quiz for their little. If you arrived here, it's because you or your little, was bad behaved and deserve/s a punishment.

Before starting this quiz, you need to know that the spankings are given on a bare bottom and also on the thighs. So the Littles will remember their spanking each time they sit down ! Hope babyboy will learn to behave

Created by: Dannee
  1. How old are you / your little ? (In littlespace)
  2. What have you/your little done ?
  3. Is it the first time ?
  4. If you've / he have done it, how many times ?
  5. Were you / was he punished ?
  6. If yes, what was it ?
  7. Is your caretaker mad at you ? (Ask to your caretaker to answer to this question !) Are you mad at your little ?
  8. Do you / does your little understand what you've / he have done wrong ?
  9. How do you feel / does he feel about your / his behavior ?
  10. Do you / does he understand that you / he need/s a punishment ?
  11. How do you / does he feel/s about this ?
  12. Do babyboy have a last word to say ?

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