Do You Love Him? ~GIRLS ONLY~

There are lots of hot guys out there. Do you want this one? DO YOU LOVE HIM?!?!?!?!?!? TAKE THIS QUIZ AND FIND OUT!!!!!!!!!!! (ALSO i love harry styles!!!!)(DO YOU? comment your answer!!)

Is he meant for you? By taking this quiz, you'll get a general idea as to whether or not you want him of all the guys you know. (I love goldfish crackers!!!!)

Created by: Katie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think you love him?
  2. Are you at your happiest when you're around him?
  3. Do you talk to him?
  4. Do you like goldfish crackers? No effect.
  5. What would you do for him?
  6. Have your friends seen him? Do they want to?
  7. Do you think he's beautiful, no matter what he does?
  8. Does he like goldfish? No effect.
  9. How often do you think about him?
  10. What is his name?

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Quiz topic: Do I Love Him? ~GIRLS ONLY~