Do you look like me?

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Just a quiz if you wanna know if you look like me! This is not rasist and shouldn’t be offensive to anyone, please know that this is just for fun! Anyways yea,

If you don’t look like me that’s okay! You’re still beatiful no matter what. Please don’t ever change the way you look! Your beatiful!! Please don’t judge yourself or others.

Created by: Claire
  1. Are you a boy, girl, or other?
  2. Do you have freckles?
  3. What hair colour?
  4. What is your style?
  5. Do you start drama?
  6. What hair length?
  7. (THIS IS NOT RASIST!!) what tone are you?
  8. Do you have Beaty marks on your…
  9. Pick something you usually wear!
  10. Do you care about your outfits and how you look?

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Quiz topic: Do I look like me?
