Do you live a happy life a sad life or a friendly life

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you will go from a kit to a warrior in no time and your name is light kit/paw/tail and you will be living a life of warrior cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please don't look any farther.uaqwg5qexywq7v6vvriyvuqhesiid7ue9bwvifudpbs97e9 br8bifds9e98jdfiruhgosigdmndesufnynubyfuistviygu byvskn mvnnuoycietyvubr

Created by: Hollowlight
  1. you wake up to sounds one of which says. "She's opening her eyes!!!" you see another thing come in and you learn he is your father then three smaller things come and ask if you wanna play moss ball what do you say
  2. you go to a clearing and the biggest thing tells you he is sunnykit the dark one is your sister hollowkit the gray one is ashen kit the orange one is huntingkit and the bundle of joy is riverkit he also tells you that you are in roseclan. who do you pass the ball to?
  3. You are now apprentices what do you do first (sorry only warrior options)
  4. You are now warriors but suprisingly straight after your vigil sunnyfur comes up to you and asks you to go on a walk with him he takes you to the clearing where huntingtail, ashenheart, and riverstone tell you "We all really like you!" You say "Look guys can you wait till tomorrow? I'm a little bit tired." they reply with a disappointed "Okay." You fall asleep and dream about
  5. The next morning the toms come up to you and ask the same question. You say.
  6. All the toms look suprised but Huntingtail says you you faker we wanted to have kits together! he lunges for you claws unsheathed your instincts kick in you slash his belly then he drops. YOU start running Sunnyfur runs after you he catches you and says nothing to fear you reply with.
  7. If you kept running this is for you You shut your eyes and fall you scream for help one last time you die and live in...
  8. If you didn't choose to run this is for you. time skipYou and sunnyfur go to the medicine den when you feel a sharp pain in your belly you think it's just guilt but just to check...Your sister the medicine cat says lighttail you're gonna have kits then she whispers like me she says so you know how most queens have 3-4 kits you're gonna have seven!
  9. over the last couple days you get more and more noticeable then you feel a very sharp pain your kits sandypelt your best friend yells"Get hollowlight!!!" After lots of pain you lick your kits and Sunnyfur comes in and falls over then you say"Suprise." what are your kits names?
  10. last question how was it? be honest.

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Quiz topic: Do I live a happy life a sad life or a friendly life
