Do you like soccer or not?

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Created by: Christina,Teodora
  1. Do you prefer
  2. Association football, commonly known as,
  3. When your headed for the field do you prefer your hair in a
  4. If you had no soccer ball and you wanted to play soccer which ball would you most likely use?
  5. Which would make you sick before a big soccer game?
  6. Which type of weather would you mostly like to play soccer in
  7. In half time what snack would you have
  8. What stretches do you do before a soccer game
  9. Which team color do you think will be best for "dolphins"
  10. Which brand of cleats would you prefer to wear before a game
  11. If soccer didn't exist which sport would be next ( not counted on score )
  12. What jersey # is the luckiest?

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Quiz topic: Do I like soccer or not? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Soccer Quiz category.