Do you like Robert Pattinson or Taylor Launter

There are many cute people in the world, but only a few true hotties. What is a hottie you might ask? Well, a hottie is someone with true beauty and someone with a beautiful body.

DO YOU LIKE ROBERT PATTINSON OR TAYLOR LAUNTER??? Do you have the looks to even like any of these guys? Well you can find out after you take this quiz.

Created by: James3

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you have posters of Robert or Taylor?
  2. Do you think that Robert pattinson is GAY?
  3. If you could see ethier Robert pattinson or taylor launder which would you rather see?
  4. Have you ever seen sharkboy and lava girl?
  5. Do you like wolves or vampires?
  6. Do you like to be cold or warm?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. Would you rather have short nails or long nails? (claws)
  9. Would you rather walk on 2 legs or 4 legs?
  10. Would you rather live in the woods or a small town?

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Quiz topic: Do I like Robert Pattinson or Taylor Launter