do you like one direction

i have a felling you will be a true 1D person but you may not be Cretan of it you will have to wate and see! have a great time and if you like it rate it!

now now now i think i was right! wate a minute it is hard to tell if you are a true kid. it seems that you are not one now you are one. not. are. not. are.

Created by: emily
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you have a sister
  2. do you eat like a pig
  3. what is your fav. color
  4. are you small or tall
  5. how do you dance
  6. do you spend all your time on one direction
  7. how do you kiss
  8. do you like the cold
  9. how do you go to sleep
  10. do you sleep walk
  11. do you like wedgie's
  12. do you love school
  13. do you have a bf
  14. can you bend your finger all the way back

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Quiz topic: Do I like one direction