Do you like Justin bieber like I do?

There are many Bieber lovers and many who are not sure. I hope this goes out to Justin bieber I am so obsessed! You may be bossed to but do you like him like I do?

Are you a bieber lover well until now you think but with this awesome amazing quiz you can see if you are a lover and obsessed with Justin bieber like I am!

Created by: Kalissa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like Justin Bieber?
  2. Are you obsessed?
  3. Would you date him?
  4. What is your favorite year of so gs he made
  5. What woud you do if Justin bieber were in your house?
  6. Can you contact with JB?
  7. Would it be a bad day of everyone kept saying JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!!!!!!
  8. Bye
  9. Wait I am not done
  10. Now bye

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Quiz topic: Do I like Justin bieber like I do?