Do you like cheese?

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Some people aren't sure whether they like cheese. This quiz can help you figure it out for yourself that way you know how to answer if people ask if you like cheese.

Do you like cheese? Do you not? You need to know! This quiz can help you figure it out for yourself that way you know how to answer if people ask if you like cheese.

Created by: J
  1. Do you like dairy?
  2. How much cheese do you eat per week?
  3. How many times do you eat cheese each week?
  4. What do you put cheese on?
  5. How big do you slice your cheese?
  6. If you were an animal, which would you be?
  7. Favorite cheese?
  8. Do you eat cheese by itself?
  9. Do you ever dream of cheese?
  10. Does cheese make you happy?

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Quiz topic: Do I like cheese?