Do you know your WWE Championships?

If your a fan of the WWE, and love watching title matches, well this is the quiz for you! This quiz tests your knowledge about the championships history. And not many people have the skill to remember them. Are YOU one of them?

Do you have the the knowledge to know all about the history and names of the titles? Well, in this quiz, you will know in just a few quick clicks and minutes! Go ahead, you know you want to...

Created by: Avry
  1. Who was the last person to hold the Women's Championship?
  2. Who created the Million Dollar Championship?
  3. Who was the first Irish born WWE Champion?
  4. Who were the first Women's Tag Team Champion's?
  5. Which of the following Championships DID NOT exist?
  6. Who was the first WWE Champion?
  7. Who held the Diva's Championship the longest in a one-time reign?
  8. Who held the Women's Championship for a record 10,778 days?
  9. How much times did Raven hold the Hardcore Championship?
  10. Who held the Hardcore Championship 15 times, but in a total of less than a day?

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Quiz topic: Do I know my WWE Championships?