Do you know your sciences?

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You know how science and technology has changed our lives for the better,isn't it great? Well if you wanna find out how your science level is do not hesitate try out this quiz.

In the below quiz, there will be questions ranging from Biology, Chemistry and Physics. These 3 are a major part of our lives till today. Wanna know who Alexander Fleming and Ampere were? Well find out in this exciting quiz.

Created by: Jinx
  1. What is Botany?
  2. Name the unit for measuring force?
  3. Hypochlorous acid is used for many things. Name one use of HClO
  4. Pascal was a great man in the modern day physics. What did Pascal help people understand better?
  5. Erythrocytes contain a pigment called?
  6. Diamond and graphite are both allotropes of which element?
  7. Hydrogen is a gas under which period of the periodic table?
  8. Your mechanism of breathing is controlled by which part of the brain?
  9. Which planet from the sun is full of N7?
  10. Apart from Ceres, name another dwarf planet that is found in the solar system.

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Quiz topic: Do I know my sciences?
