do you know your olympian gods

the olynpian gods originated a long time ago when ancient greece was still developing, but although it was many centeries ago, people, myself included, have been fascinated by them. through this fascination, much knowledge was recieved, but has this knowledge sunk into you?

you may think you know about the olympians, but do you realy? this quiz will tell you just that. you may even learn some more about this wonderful topic in the process! be prepared for a major brain cramp! :)

Created by: deadly frogs
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how many nymphs took care of zues when he was a baby?
  2. what material did posidon use to make horses?
  3. what is the name of the three headed dog that gaurds hades realm?
  4. where is the deepest part of hades realm?
  5. how many major gods are there?
  6. what god was replaced by dionysis as a major god?
  7. what is the roman form of ares?
  8. athena is the godess of knowledge, war tactics and weaving: true or false?
  9. how was athena born?
  10. what major event happened in hephestis`s early child hood
  11. which statment is false
  12. dionysis created

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Quiz topic: Do I know my olympian gods