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the quiz will challenge your mega man robot masters and testing skills. are you ready to see a mega man quiz of a life time ? if not you are not in the right page !

im warning you its gonna be hard so be good practice before doing the quiz and i wish you luck !having 100 is hard so do your best wish in wining and good luck ;)

Created by: TENGU MANIA
  1. What is wood man's weakness ( 2 answers )
  2. in mega man 3 there is a robot master that wily didn't made witch one is it ?( hard one bonus !)
  3. in mega man 4 what was the name of the new vilain that replaced Dr.wily ?
  4. in the first mega man how many robot master they had ?
  5. in mega man 11 the explosion boss was what is name ?
  6. witch character in mega man 8 was chosen to be in mega man and bass ? ( 2 answer )
  7. in mega man 3 wily final boss fight had how many phase ?
  8. who created Zero from the mega man x series
  9. select the character who is NOT in mega man series
  10. what other weapon uses proto man ?

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Quiz topic: Do I KNOW my MEGA MAN BOSSES ?
