Do you know your Maze Runner facts?

Do you think you know your maze runner facts, take this test and find out yourself, (if you havent seen them all then dont take this test, it contains spoilers)

WARNING THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS OF ALL THREE MOVIES, DONT TAKE IF UOU HAVENT SEEN ALL THREE. If you have seen them all or font mind the spoiler please continue.

Created by: Hailey
  1. How many movies are currently made?
  2. Who came up the box a month before thomas
  3. Gally killed Chuck
  4. What was Newts last words in the "Death Cure" book?
  5. What did Thomas do when he got out of the box in the movie?
  6. Who was the first in the maze?
  7. Who died in the First maze runner movie?
  8. Who did Thomas kiss in the "scorch trials" movie?
  9. Who did Thomas shoot in the head in the "death cure book" but stab in the "death cure" movie?
  10. Whose name did Thomas write on the rock at the end of the "death cure" movie?
  11. What did the note say in Theresa's hand when she came up in the box?
  12. What was Minho doing towards the beginning of the "scorch trial" movie.
  13. Are there more than 5 books?
  14. Are there more than 3 books
  15. How long are each of the maze runner movies?
  16. Is this the last question
  17. How did chuck die?
  18. Why was Newt asking Thomas to kill him? Because he...

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Quiz topic: Do I know my Maze Runner facts?