Do You Know Your Horse?

Hi, this is a quiz all about horses! They are very facinating creatures! Wouldn't you say? See if you have what it takes to own one! This quiz is a sort of make your story!

Hi, this is a quiz all about horses! They are very facinating creatures! Wouldn't you say? See if you have what it takes to own one! This quiz is a sort of make your story!!!

Created by: Katherine

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  1. A horse arrives in a trailer, what do you do?
  2. The horse has rested up, it's time to ride it. You need to see if it's ok to be a school horse! You normally ride english but the horse is used to western. What saddle do you put on?
  3. After the ride, your brushing the horse. You hit a sore spot, he pins his ears back.
  4. You let the horse into the paddock. He starts fighting with other horses. You:
  5. No horses bother the new one. You lead him back into his stall. Suddenly, he starts favouring a leg.
  6. The vet says he'll be fine in a few days. She says you shouldn't ride him. But you need money! You:
  7. Do you want me to do all 10 question???
  8. Did you like this quiz?
  9. This s the eight'th question!
  10. Nine...
  11. I ask you to ride the new horse, you say:

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Quiz topic: Do I Know my Horse?