do you know your friend

How well do you know your bff? are you confident you can complete this quiz and answer all them right if you can then you are a true friend. come on dont be afraid its free.

you are about to find out in a few minutes if you are a true friend if you are then that is good if you fail im not a genius so i dont know if my answers are right but they could be.

Created by: hope
Personality Test
  1. Whats his\her favorite movie?
  2. If you and your friend were bored what would you suggest?
  3. someone knocked on your door and said is it okay if i take your friendd to the mall and you wanted to hang with her. what would u say?
  4. whats your favorite food?
  5. do you and your friend have things in common?
  6. do you go places together.
  7. whats your friendship color?
  8. do you share secrets no matter if you are not aloud?
  9. do you watch tv when your bored or go shopping?
  10. what restaurant do you and your friend normally go to?

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Quiz topic: Do I know my friend