Do you know your dogs?

Um........Are you that special dog lover out there waiting to redeem him/her? You think that you are then come out here and try my quiz!Hope you have a great time!

Are YOU a dog lover? Do you have the brain power to qualify fo that prestigious tittle of the dog lover? But thx to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you'll find out!

Created by: Claire
  1. How many should dogs roughly be fed?
  2. Am I a super vet?
  3. Can certain breeds of dogs have beards?
  4. Can Shnauzers be white (Colour)(I'm not trying to be racist!)
  5. Do Dalmatians have spots or patches?
  6. Witch dog eye colours are most seen on dogs?
  7. Witch one likes dogs more?
  8. Rottweilers are illegal.True or False
  9. Is there a breed that people allergic to dogs can have?
  10. Do dogs have eybrows

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Quiz topic: Do I know my dogs?