Do You Know Your Dantdm? Quiz?

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Thanks For The Support Dan I don't Know why But thanks Your The Best and blah blah blah play undertale plz if you do can you name your self chara you see why.

You're not a dantdm fan then leave and don't come ever again noob only dan and fan allow and me so shut up nurse dance baby bat dance baby bat do cooler.

Created by: CreeperCrafter
  1. How old is Dan ?
  2. Does He Has A Wife?
  3. Does he have son in real life?
  4. What's he's last name?
  5. Is Dan The Best Youtuber?
  6. What Was the first game he played?
  7. Does He say bad word like swears?
  8. How Many Pugs Does Dan Have Right Now in 2016?
  9. Does He Have A friend villager?
  10. Does He Have A dog In Minecraft?

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