Do You Know You're Being Scammed On AJ?

So, many people are very sad out there in the world. We can stop scamming by just working hard towards our goal. this quiz is about how well you know scamming and try to stop it. Don't leave jammers in jamaa township feeling down. that ruins the whole purpose of the game: to make friends, to cherish the times you had together, to learn something cool, to stop bullying. WE can take the first step towards that. that future not blinded by the greed of people, taking things that don't belong to you, that is filed with the filth of bullies. YOU can do it!!!!!!

Scamming, bullying, they are all in the same group. They leave you victorious but puts millions in despair. Every has a part in this place, in this world. We can all take a step and march towards a brilliant future with the rays of the bright golden sun shining down on us and create a world where there is no harsh feeling, all pure and selflessness. Plz, by subscribe to my channel, we can make our videos known and spread the word of kindness. Kindness is a hand stretched from the heavens guiding us through life. If you subscribe, we can together make a video on this. plz join me in making animal jam a better place for kids to enjoy, for parents to like. Thank you.

Created by: Jammer6y6gz of Stop and Prevent the Scamming!!!
(your link here more info)
  1. Your best buddy who gave you a rare is saying "Plz send me a spike i got scammed plzplzplzplz." What do you do? Your buddy has recently gained your trust but is it still ok to trust her?
  2. Someone is saying "Trust me I dont scam. Send me a spike and you get my outfit." And you notice that person has a youtube channel so is probably famous. Should you send he a spike? (she is wearing a black long spike black worn beta arctic hood raccoon tail black baseball cap. you cant resist it XD)
  3. You have been scammed. What should you do?
  4. You see a person that is a victim of a scamming event. What will you do?
  5. You have been hacked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(not technically a scam but close)
  6. you see a famous person that is scamming. (Julian2)
  7. What would you do if you see someone so sad that they just don't care anymore? or them might quit(or suicide!!! not really okay?)
  8. Come on people stop scamming!!!!!
  9. Almost done!
  10. I have a youtube channel too!! plz subscribe plzplzplz!!!

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Quiz topic: Do I Know You're Being Scammed On AJ?