Do You Know Wolves?

Wolves are an amazing creatures, but they are now endagered. So take this quiz and see if you know the wolves. You must take this quiz to find out, come on! Take it!

If you take this amazing quiz, you will find out in a few short minutes it will change your feelings about wolves forever. I hope you will take participation!!!

Created by: abigail
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. About how many teeth do wolves have?
  2. What color are most wolves?
  3. When hungry, will wolves eat a human being?
  4. How many wolves are in a pack on average?
  5. True or false: wolves are not always hungry.
  6. What month are wolves usually born?
  7. Do wolves snarl when angered?
  8. At what age do they start a pack?
  9. Bored yet?
  10. Why do wolves bribe dogs into coming with them?

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