Do you know what a horse is?

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Do you believe you get an amazing score on this test?I think you do!Find out how much you know about neighers with this quiz!Top tip:I am not talking about seahorses.

If you get an amazing score, great!if you don’t get a perfect score, that is fine too! I wish you luck on this quiz and hope you are happy with your score at the end.:)

Created by: Miss Pony Obbsession
  1. What is a horse?
  2. What colour is bay?
  3. Do horses sleep lying down or standing up?
  4. What colour is piebald?
  5. Can horses get sunburn?
  6. Do horses nicker?
  7. What is a girl foal called?
  8. What is a boy foal called?
  9. What is a mare?
  10. Do wild horses ride each other?

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Quiz topic: Do I know what a horse is?
