Do you KNOW Warriors

This is a great quiz if your trying to be a Warrior Genius! Please be as smart as possible, you have to be pretty good to not be a mouse-brain for this quiz.

Just remember. Even if you lose you are still a winner in our eyes! Thank you for reading this, and I must say to you "Good luck she-cat/ tom"!!!!!!!

Created by: Emma
  1. Who is Jayfeather's grandma's aunt?
  2. Who is the fourth cat in the prophecy including Dovewing?
  3. Who killed Hollyleaf?
  4. Do you like warriors? Who is your favorite tom?(Bonus)
  5. Why do you hate Spottedleaf?
  6. Kinkfur-
  7. Who are Bluestar's kits?
  8. Who was the medicine cat when Cinderpelt had the accident?
  9. Is Midnight a cat, a dog or a:
  10. Good luck!
  11. What did Goosefeather (the medicine cat) give to Bluestar as one of her nine lives when she became leader?

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Quiz topic: Do I KNOW Warriors