Do you know twilight from head to toe?

"There are many people who know what Twilight is,but few people know it from head to toe. I call the people who do Geniuses. Twilight is overall a wonderfull love story. These "Geniuses" are very into this story."

"Are you one of these "Geniuses"? Do you know so much about Twilight to qualify for that prestigious title? Take this useful quiz to find out if that title fits you!!! Hopefully you will be one of those "Geniuses"!!!!!!!"

Created by: Leah Smith
  1. What is Bella's Mother's name?(not her mother-in-law's)
  2. And so the_______ fell in love with the _______
  3. Who almost hit Bella with his/her car?
  4. Who is the main character?
  5. What job does Charlie Swan have?
  6. What is the name of the vampire who bites Bella?
  7. In what class does Bella sit beside Edward?
  8. What does Edward tell Bella about vampires while in his room?
  9. What happens to a human if a vampire bites them?
  10. Where does Jacob tell Bella about vampires?

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Quiz topic: Do I know twilight from head to toe?