Do you know Tsunami?

Hello! :) Tsunami here and this is Mai testaaaahhhhh! :) Welcome. Its pretty amazing... I mean..... Seriously... Now dont walk out on me now... Please. I beg of you to take this wonderful test!

Your gonna either be a freaking genius, or a loser. It all depends on how well you take this test /was joking on loser part/ If you do well on this test. Congrats... If not.... Maybe next time you'll do better. Lol

Created by: Tsun

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Tsunami's real name?
  2. Who is Tsunami's RP buddy?
  3. What are Tsunami's two favorite colors
  4. How old is Tsunami
  5. What is/was Tsunami's original account?
  6. Whats Tsunami's least favorite color
  7. Whats Tsunami's favorite food
  8. Who are Tsunami's two real life friends that got her on mweor?
  9. Aguas Turbias
  10. Did you /honestly/ know any of these answers? -.-

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Quiz topic: Do I know Tsunami?