do you know things?

This quiz is just a little test of your knowledge to see if you can pass! It's pretty easy, I just wanted to make a quiz! If you get a bad score, btw, your paragraph aint that good.

just try it! and one more thing, please dont fail. Also, if you have any feedback, PLEASE let me know!!! I wan't to be able to fix this is the q's are bad.

Created by: MurpleIt'sMe#167
  1. fill in the blanks: when i went home, ___ noticed my bedroom was messy so i __________ it.
  2. do you like this quiz?
  3. (2+2) times 4
  4. A man wants to marry his widow's sister. Why is this impossible?
  5. Gangnam stile
  6. bison bison bison bison bison bison bison bison bison bison bison bison bison.
  7. 8675
  8. You are playing roblox. Ya don't know how to move. Your a total...
  9. You see a cat and a skunk in the road. what do you do?
  10. hi. im lily. my mom has 4 daughters; April, May, and June. who is the 4th daughter?

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Quiz topic: Do I know things?
