so this is a trivia quiz on how well you think you know the twdg! check out some my drawins on tic tock ! all seasons included!! some spoilers if you do bad :) tick tock account is xoxo_clemy

now ok pls give this a good review if you want but lke yeah pls have a nice day goodbye check out me which twdg character are you! i got clementine 99 percent

Created by: LILA :3
  1. what season is Jesus in?
  2. in season one. does katcha have a chance to kill her son duck?
  3. ok this is tooooo easy lets get harder. in season 1 episode 1 who does clementine mention in her 1st grade class to katcha?
  4. does kate stay alive in season 3
  5. in seson one does clemetine have a hampster?
  6. what were clementines parents named
  7. what was clementines moms job?
  8. how old is currently aj
  9. ok ok ok WILL THERE BE A SEASON 5????? no wrong anwser
  10. and did you like this quiz???????? :3
  11. wait not finished clemy gets bit. which limb does she lose

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Quiz topic: Do I KNOW THE WDG???

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