Do you know the lyrics? ~ Move Along

'Move Along' is by the band All-American Rejects. If you're familiar with this song, take the quiz already! If you're not, you can try if you want. :P

'Move Along' is by the band All-American Rejects. If you're familiar with this song, take the quiz already! If you're not, you can try if you want. xP

Created by: BTRfreak

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Go ahead as you waste your ___ with thinking
  2. When you fall
  3. Another day and you've had your feel of
  4. With the life
  5. --are shaking cold.. these hands are ____ to hold
  6. Speak to me when all you got to keep
  7. Move along, move along
  8. And even when your hope
  9. Move along, move along
  10. Move along (2x).. so when a day you've lost _____ completely

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Quiz topic: Do I know the lyrics? ~ Move Along