Do you know the lyrics? ~ Backseat Serenade

Backseat Serenade is by the band All Time Low. If you're familiar with this song, take the quiz already. If you're not, then you don't have to, idc man.

Backseat Serenade is by the band All Time Low. If you're familiar with this song, take the quiz already. If you're not, then you don't have to, idc man!

Created by: BTRfreak

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Lazy lover
  2. You felt it once before
  3. Whiskey Princess
  4. You had me at
  5. I need a friend
  6. Backseat serenade
  7. Oh god, I'm sick of
  8. You're salty like a summer day
  9. Backseat serenade
  10. Oh god, I'm sick of

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Quiz topic: Do I know the lyrics? ~ Backseat Serenade