Do You Know Scooby-doo?

A scoobydoo quiz is a fun quiz to just do when you are board to test your knowledge on Scooby and the characters to really see if you know your stuff on scooby doo.

Are you a real Scooby fan? Find out on this quiz and test your brain power on all the knowledge that you have a bout scooby, velma, fred, daphnia, and shaggy. Have fun!

Created by: Katelyn
  1. How many people are in mystery incorporated and what are there names?
  2. What is scooby nephews name?
  3. What color is scoobys collar?
  4. How many people are in mystery incorporated and what are there names?
  5. How many people are in mystery incorporated and what are there names?
  6. What color is his collar?
  7. What is scoobys nephews name?
  8. What is the letter on his collar?
  9. What is scooby and shaggys favorite thing to do?
  10. What is the treats for the scooby and shaggy?
  11. What is the name of scoobys cousin?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know Scooby-doo? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Scooby Doo Quiz category.