Do you know realy Fortnite ?

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Fortnite is the best game ever, but do you know realy everything in fortnite ? gh sdvvfgdf gvfd, gfdsvhtefrvfergfcde vsdv cverxcff cfjvnc dgbgncbvbdxvn

In this quiz, we are going to check your knowledge in fortnite. What score will you do ? gfqsd qf ncgr,jq efcs,qdf zbvrqfernhgfzhe r dzefnhy dfqz fdcxsdbfc

Created by: Auxane/Matheo
  1. What do you think about fortnite ?
  2. What is your favorite weapon ?
  3. What do you think when you wake up in the morning ?
  4. What's your favourite skin ?
  5. What's your favourite dance ?
  6. What player are you ?
  7. What's your favourite place ?
  8. What's your favourite heal ?
  9. How do you play fortnite ?
  10. Who is the best player in fortnite ?

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Quiz topic: Do I know realy Fortnite ?
